Sunday, April 21, 2013

A beautiful spring evening in our backyard - Spring has sprung!
Roses blooming, lilacs on their last, peonies opening up those many buds, diancahtus (Pinks) blooming their hearts out - very pleasant.  My favorite rose is the tree rose - Brandy - beautiful buds, long stems, apricot color - opens up into a huge blossom. Sterling silver is very pretty this year, more blossoms than usual, and of course, the Peace is always a favorite. The red, yellow, pink and white are pretty too - love those roses! Planted a couple more peonies, a Meyer lemon tree, three small calla lilies of different colors, and went to the college garden sale yesterday and picked up two cucumbers, one green pepper, a couple zinnias and something that looks like silvery leaves - can't remember the name of it. I don't think it what I thought it was but I like the variety of color.
Happy Spring to everyone!
My first day of wearing shorts & a tank top - sandals and I'm sure was close to 80 degrees!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring took a detour - but knit & crochet class made the day!

Just when we thought Spring was here, we get a cold front and wind so Larry has a fire going in the fireplace again tonight and it really feels good!  It is supposed to be in the 40's tonight instead of the usual 50's. Amazing what 10 degrees difference feels like!
We had a great generational class at church tonight teaching women and young ladies how to do basic knitting, crochet curly scarves, or do the knit Sashay curly scarves - 13 people came - we had three of us as teachers!  What fun we had!  Will do another one next Tuesday night for newcomers or if anyone needs help!
Iris and lilacs from our backyard - what a beautiful aroma!!
This was my class for the Sashay curly scarves. I'm finishing up a purple one! The younger generation really caught on quickly - as I told them, I had to watch the YOUTUBE three times to figure it out, and I think I took mine out three times before I finally got it right!  Now I love making them!  We're teaching a group again next week - more of the Hmong ladies & younger girls.
Basic knitting class. This young lady had wanted to learn to knit for a long time and now had one of the master knitters sharing her expertise!
Our champion crochet master here teaching these gals how to make a curly scarf in 30 minutes!  It's too easy to be true!!! I couldn't believe it!